American Healthcare: The Race to the Top

Are escalating healthcare costs in America becoming impossible to afford?

PRAY FIRST for those in the federal government who create policies and set regulations on the healthcare industry and it’s costs.

“Behold, I will bring to it health and healing, and I will heal them and reveal to them abundance of prosperity and security.” – Jeremiah 33:6

In the United States, the cost of healthcare has been a growing concern, with expenses rising at an alarming rate. A significant number of Americans are opting out of medical care due to prohibitive costs. In 2022, nearly 40% of Americans skipped medical care because of cost concerns. This trend is not only a reflection of the financial burden on individuals but also an indicator of the broader systemic issues within the American healthcare system.  

When compared to other first-world nations, the U.S. spends more on healthcare per capita but does not necessarily enjoy better health outcomes. For instance, in 2020, the rate of consultations missed due to costs in the U.S. was 26.8 per 100 patients, compared to 7.0 per 100 patients on average in comparable nations. 

Pharmaceutical Companies

Although brand-name drugs constitute only 10 percent of the market, they account for nearly 80 percent of total prescription drug costs. The U.S. patent system for brand-name drugs often grants manufacturers monopolistic control, allowing them to raise prices without competition. Additionally, with little transparency in drug prices have led to increased costs upon the American public. 

Government Response 

To address these rising costs, the federal government has taken several steps. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced actions to protect consumers from junk health plans, surprise medical bills, and excess costs leading to medical debt. Additionally, the Inflation Reduction Act aims to cap out-of-pocket prescription drug spending, which is projected to save nearly 19 million seniors approximately $400 per year.  

Political candidates have also voiced their plans to tackle the healthcare crisis. President Biden, for instance, intends to build on the Affordable Care Act (ACA), emphasizing its role in enabling more Americans to obtain low-cost health insurance plans. Other candidates have proposed various solutions, ranging from Medicare for All to reforms aimed at reducing the prices of prescription drugs and improving healthcare access.   

Other solutions focus on market-driven approaches such as reducing long-term costs, breaking up insurance companies and hospital monopolies, and capping the costs that healthcare companies are allowed to charge.   

At the state and local levels, initiatives such as healthcare cost growth target programs are being implemented to create annual statewide goals for healthcare spending growth. States like Connecticut have codified such programs into law, aiming to understand and mitigate the drivers of cost growth. 

Private Entities   

Christian organizations play a vital role in addressing healthcare needs by integrating spiritual care with medical services, which research shows can lead to improved patient outcomes. They advocate for a compassionate approach to healthcare, emphasizing the importance of caring for both the spiritual and physical needs of individuals.  

As Christians, we must remember to actively participate in meeting the healthcare needs of others around us through volunteer work, donations, and supporting faith-based healthcare initiatives. And as we consider these options, we must remember that prayer remains the cornerstone of any and all responses to healthcare issues. Pray for health and healing, because these are powerful intercessions. Pray that we can be a comfort and aid to others when they are in crisis.   

The rising cost of healthcare in America is a complex issue to solve. It will require government action, political will, community engagement, and the efforts of faith-based organizations. As the nation grapples with this challenge, collective action and a compassionate heart are essential in forging a path towards a better and more affordable healthcare system.


— Pray for the many Americans who are struggling to live paycheck-to-paycheck while also facing growing healthcare costs.  And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. – 1 John 5:14
— Pray that God meet the needs of all those who are hurting and meet their needs in a way that brings glory and honor to His holy name. And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 4:19


  • Pray for God to be at work in those in the president’s administration that they would create policies that best serve the healthcare needs of the American people.
  • Pray that the candidates running in this election will seek to provide tangible healthcare solutions.
  • Pray for Congressional leaders to seek God’s will as they craft new healthcare legislation.
  • Pray for God’s healing hand to be on the nation.

Sources: CBS News, Health System Tracker, Department of Health and Human Services, Health News, Christian Educators Academy, Good Faith Media, White House, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Servies,, Christian Connection for International Health, Cambridge, National Conference for State Legislators, Crosswalk, Politico


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